Stand Up for School Nurses!

School Nurse

This week on May 8 th , there will be a celebration for School Nurses. If your first thought is, “Are there still school nurses?” you are not alone. You don’t see them (unless you have a child with a chronic disease) because they are scarce, hence, extremely busy. They are the only health professional in schools and their mission is to support student physical and emotional health so they can be in the classroom healthy and learning.

This past year, I had the privilege of holding gathering spaces with nearly one hundred school nurses over a five-week period. I was awestruck by the high level of expertise and professionalism they have (the majority were Registered Nurses, many with advanced degrees). The stories they shared about why this became their profession and the love they have for health and learning were profound. Most came from a hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Just as in the school setting, they found great satisfaction in helping a child to health while building relationships with the parents.

It’s seeming cliché when I say they save lives, but they do, more than you will ever know. Because of privacy, the larger school community is unaware of the hundreds of stories that I was entrusted with. I welled up with tears of gratitude as I heard story after story of actual lives saved. Their assessment skills and ability to make quick, informed decisions are impressive. In addition to providing direct care, they also conduct trainings to educate teachers and other staff on diabetes, epilepsy, concussion, EpiPen, Narcan, CPR, mental health, suicide prevention and disaster preparedness just to name a few.

You don’t have to take it from me, seek out the school nurse in your building or district. Most likely there isn’t one just for your school but probably one that works in several buildings. It may be a little like “Where’s Waldo,” but please, look hard, ask if needed, this isn’t a time to be shy. When you locate her, thank her, and, one more thing …..


Will you join me and Stand Up for School Nurses?

How? Let the teacher, building principal, superintendent, school board know that You Stand Up for School Nurses and you want more of them in your district. Why should you do this? Because …

When you Stand Up for School Nurses, you are Standing Up for your Child’s Health in School.