Navigating Life’s Transitions – You are not alone!
We experience many more transitions than we might realize. Some are easy so they don’t grab our attention. But when we are feeling stressed, find ourselves trying to control things, or frequently feel an unease, chances are we are experiencing a significant transition that is begging for our attention.
Transitions are a part of life, and are also an opportunity for personal growth. Change is hard, it takes us out of our comfort zone. Why wouldn’t we want to avoid the difficult feelings and just push through. The problem is that the more we push through, the more the unpleasant feelings linger and come out in a variety of unhealthy ways and behaviors. It is often said “what we resist, persists.”
The good news is, we are not alone! We all experience the growing pains of transitions, so why not practice adding some gentle self-awareness to the mix so you can be in charge of the transition rather than it being in charge of you. We will gently help you strengthen your social and emotional muscles.
Join us on October 14th from 7-8 pm ET for a free virtual gathering, Navigating Life’s Transitions — You are not alone!
The facilitator for the gathering will be:
Barb Flis, Founder of Parent Action for Healthy Kids